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Here Is The Photo Of Notes of Mine For Formulas Of PSM 👇

Here is The Some Practice Questions 👇

Q.1 What is the specificity of sputum microscopy in detection of Pulmonary Tuberculosis (PTB) as per the information given 👇

(a) 10 %

(b) 36 %

(c) 90 %

(d) 94 %

ANS- (c) 90 %

Specificity = d/(b + d) x 100

= 180/200 × 100

= 90%

Q.2 In a cohort of 500 women attending antenatal clinic, 70 % had ultrasonography (USG). This cohort was followed up at delivery. Of the women who had USG, 70 delivered low birth
weight (LBW) babies; whereas of the women, who did not undergo USG, 50 delivered LBW
babies. The incidence of LBW babies among women who had USG is:

(a) 10 %

(b) 15 %

(c) 20 %

(d) 25 %

ANS- (c) 20 %

Incidence in who developed disease & exposed to risk factor = a/a+b × 100

In Questions asked incidence in LBW babies among women who had USG -

=LBW babies / women who undergone USG × 100

= 70/350 × 100

= 20 %

Q.3 Consider the following data for a country:

Population in 0-14 years of age – 391,558,367

Population between 15–64 years of age – 856,076,200

Population above 65 years of age – 71,943,390

What shall be the dependency ratio of this country?

(a) 42.4 %

(b) 54.1 %

(c) 66.2 %

(d) 78.6 %

ANS- (b) 54.1 %

Q.4 In a town, a study was carried out to determine the role of cigarette smoking in causation of lung cancer. It was found that a total of 7000 people in the town were smokers. Of them, 70 developed lung cancer. In the same town, 3000 people were non‐smokers. Of them, 3 developed lung cancer. Given these numbers, what would be the attributable risk to cigarette smoking for lung cancer?

(CMS 2022)

(a) 10%

(b) 30%

(c) 60%

(d) 90%

ANS- (d) 90%

Attributable risk = Incident of disease among exposed - Incident of disease among non expose/ Incident of disease among exposed × 100


Incidence of disease rate among exposed = 70/7000

Inidence of disease rate among nonexposed= 3/3000

calculate = 90 %

Q.5 The life expectancy at birth for a country A is 64 years. The minimum and maximum values of life expectancy are 20 years and 86 years respectively. As part of Human Development Index (HDI), what is the Life Expectancy Index for the country A ? 

(a) 0•512

(b) 0•667

(c) 0•744

(d) 0•970

ANS- (b) 0•667

= 64- 20/ 86-20


= 0.666


Q.6 . In a town with one lakh population (1,00,000) there are a total of 2500 live births in a year. There were 75 total deaths of children before the age of one month, total 200 deaths before the age of one year, and a total 300 deaths before the age of three years. Which of the following statements regarding Infant Mortality Rate (IMR) of the town for the given year are correct ? 

1. The denominator is 1,00,000

2. The IMR of the town is higher than the current national average of IMR for India

3. The numerator is the number of children dying before the age of one month

4. The IMR of the town is 80 per 1000 live births

Select the correct answer using the code given below :

(a) 2 only

(b) 2 and 4 only

(c) 1 and 3 only

(d) 1, 2 and 4


ANS- (b) 2 and 4 only

IMR= (No. of death of infant under 1 year of age / No. of live birth )× 1000

= (200/2500)× 1000

= 80

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