Today we will see about following health related things,
(1) Symptoms of Diabetes mellitus/Who should get tested for Diabetes mellitus?
(2)Blood tests for Diabetes mellitus
(3) Urine Tests for Diabetes mellitus
(4) Sugar/Diabetes tests in Pregnancy
(1) Symptoms of Diabetes mellitus/Who should get tested for Diabetes mellitus?
If you are having following symptoms,You should get tested for DIABETES MELLITUS
• increase thirst
• feeling tired all the time
• blurry vision (Diabetic Retinopathy -long term complications of Diabetes)
• in urination frequency
• feeling very hungry,even after eating
• sores or cuts that won't heal
• increase weight
Following are the RISK FACTORS for the diabetes mellitus
• Obesity (BMI > 25)
• High blood pressure,High cholesterol,low HDL or heart related disease
• Family history for DIABETES MELLITUS
• Women with history of PCOS or Gestational Diabetes
(2)Blood tests for Diabetes mellitus
Following Blood test should determine your blood sugar level for evaluation of Diabetes Mellitus.
• HbA1c -
You don't need to fast for this test.
It measures how much glucose has attached itself to the haemoglobin
Normal HbA1c level - 5.6% or lower
Prediabetes HbA1c level - 5.7% to 6.4%
Diabetes HbA1c level - ≥6.5%
• RBS - Random blood sugar
Random Blood Sugar is withdrawn Blood at any time and checks blood sugar level.
RBS could also be done at home by use of glucometers.
In Diabetes Patient RBS will be more or equal to 200 mg/dl (RBS ≥200)
• FBS - Fasting blood sugar test
Fasting blood sugar tests involve having your blood drawn after you’ve fasted overnight, which usually means not eating for 8 to 12 hours.
99 mg/dL or lower Normal
100 to 125 mg/dL Prediabetes
126 mg/dL or greater Diabetes
• Oral glucose tolerance test/PP2BS
The oral glucose test (OGTT) takes place over the course of 2 hours.
First, your blood sugar is tested. Then, you’re given a sugary drink. After 2 hours, your blood sugar levels are tested again.
Test result Indicated condition
139 mg/dL or lower Normal
140 to 199 mg/dL Prediabetes
200 mg/dL or greater Diabetes
(3) Urine Tests for Diabetes mellitus
Urine tests are not always used to diagnose diabetes but it is used to determine ketone body in urine which is seen ok! in type 1 Diabetes.
In type 1 diabetes due to break down of Fat, ketone body excreted in urine called as Diabetic ketoacidosis.
(4) Sugar/Diabetes tests in Pregnancy
Gestational Diabetes can occur when you are pregnant and usually goes away after giving birth.
Tests for Gestational diabetes -
• Initial glucose challenge test
Test perform by following method -
You drink a glucose syrup solution given by your doctor.
Your blood is drawn an hour later to measure your blood sugar level.
Normal = Sugar ≤ 140
Diabetes= >140
These are the follow-up steps for glucose tolerance testing:
You must fast (not eat) overnight.
Your initial blood sugar level is measured.
You drink a cup of high-sugar solution.
Your blood sugar is then checked hourly for 3 hours.
Gestational diabetes is indicated if results show two or more higher-than-usual readings.
2-hour glucose tolerance test
This test has a similar procedure to the previous one. Your blood sugar is measured 2 hours after drinking the glucose solution.
Note :- If you are having the following symptoms, kindly consult a doctor.