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High blood pressure (Hypertension) - Symptoms, Causes, investigation and Management

15% of general population can be regarded as hypertensive.

Definition of hypertension is suggested by Evans and Rose :
            "Hypertension should be defined in the term of blood pressure level above which investigation and treatment do good more than harm"

Classification of Hypertension by systolic and diastolic blood pressure :- 

There is 2 types of Hypertension :-

1.Primary or essential Hypertension :- 
   85% of the case have primary Hypertension which is occurs without any underlying causes. (Most of have positive family history)

2.Secondary Hypertension

15% of the cases have underlying cause. 

As a example - Chronic kidney disease, polycystic kidney disease,acute glomerulonephritis, adrenal disorder, acromegaly, exogenous hormones,psychogenic,by medication like steroids, Contraceptive pills etc.

Clinical Features/Symptoms of High blood pressure (Hypertension) :-

- Majority of cases detected during routine examination and asymptomatic.

-Acute Hypertension patient may have symptoms like headache,polyuria.

-Chronic or long standing Hypertension may cause left ventricle hypertrophy,heaving apical impulse fundal changes etc.

Approaches toward patient of Hypertension :- 

-measure accurate Blood pressure.

-identify risk factor, disease or underlying cause.

-check for cardiovascular changes and risk

-detect any complications

Choose antihypertensive drugs according to age,comorbidity,BP.

investigation for Hypertension and identify it's underlying cause :-

- urinalysis

- Blood urea, Creatinine

- serum electrolyte

- Fasting and post prendial glucose.

- Lipid Profile


Management of Hypertension :-

- lifestyle modification

Control weight
Restricted salt diet
Decrease intake of fat and saturated fat
Fiber ruch diet
Limit alcohol consumption
Avoid smoking
Regular physical excercise

- Medication

If any of above symptoms seen in you,kindly consult physician.

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