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Blood: Components and their functions


Blood: Components and their functions

From this you will get all answers of following questions in simple way.

•‌ Function of blood

•‌ How does blood works in our body?

•‌ Components of blood

•‌ Function of Components of blood

‌• Function of plasma in blood

‌• Plasma Components

‌•Function of WBC in blood

‌•Function of RBC in blood

‌•Function of platelets in blood

Main function of blood is to transport oxygen from lung to other part of body like every organ,tissu,cell etc.

Without blood, oxygen will not reach to other part and organ will die soon in simple language.

Other functions is to transport and supply minerals and electrolytes.


Here I will explain blood in simple as possible.

* Blood = Plasma + Blood cells

1) Plasma = Water (90-92%) + Coagulants + Plasma Proteins  + miners and electrolytes

- Water will help to fill vessels and maintain blood pressure.

- Coagulants like fibrinogen helps blood to clotting.

- Plasma proteins like albumin globulin helps to maintain osmotic pressure of blood.Immunoglobulin protein also helps for immunity.


If osmotic pressure of blood decrease then ADH (Antidiuretic Hormone) release from kidney which increase absorption of electrolytes in kidney and maintain blood pressure.

- Minerals and electrolytes also help to maintain blood pressure  and some electrolytes like sodium, potassium, bicarbonate,chloride and calcium help to maintain pH of blood.

Note : Blood pH - 7.4

2) Blood Cells

3 types of cells present in blood

1.White blood cell (WBC)
2.Red Blood Cell (RBC)

Now we will go into details of every blood cells.

1.White Blood Cells

White blood cells are a part of your immune system that protects your body from infection. These cells circulate through your bloodstream and tissues to respond to any injury or illness by attacking any unknown organisms that enter your body.

WBCs are colourless but when we dye it and see under microscope,You can see 5 types of WBCs.

1) Neutrophils: Help protect your body from infections by killing bacteria, fungi and foreign debris.

2) Lymphocytes: Consist of T cells, natural killer cells and B cells to protect against viral infections and produce proteins to help you fight infection (antibodies).

3)Eosinophils: Identify and destroy parasites, cancer cells and assists basophils with your allergic response.

4)Basophils: Produces an allergic response like coughing, sneezing or a runny nose.

5)Monocytes: Defend against infection

2.Red Blood Cells (RBCs)

RBCs function is to transport oxygen from lung to other organs, tissue.

And Transport CO2 from whole body to lung.

RBC also can be seen under microscope.

3. Platelet

Their primary function is to prevent and stop bleeding. If a blood vessel is damaged, the body sends signals to platelets which cause them to travel to the injured area. Once the platelets arrive at the site, they clump together to form a clot that helps stop bleeding.

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