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Days of my MBBS Internship - 1

 Stories of OBGY-1 (Obstetrics and Gynecology) - Days of my Internship 

After Completing my PSM posting I started in Obstetrics and Gynecology Posting.

OBGY posting was great experience.

Now I am gonna tell you one of my experience during this posting.

One Patient around 35 year old with 4th gravida pregnancy came in our hospital Labor Room.

So many Patients visit our hospital in all days but this is something else.

This patient had a obstructed labor and it was very scariest to see head of baby is outside but other part of body is inside.

Patient was referred in this situation from other hospitals.Till they reach here, there is so much destruction in patients body as well as baby also died due to distress.

Doctors tried everything to deliver baby but they failed and after that they took her to surgery.

During surgery they have to part away baby into 2 part from head.

Patient had also obstructive hysterectomy and bladder also ruptured.

During this 5 hour of surgery there is so much blood losing from body of patients and also continue blood transfusion.

Due to bladder rupture surgeon of surgery department also joined during surgery.

Patient recovered very well and I also monitored her during my duty hours.But For me it was unseen before in which situation patient was bring to hospital.

At the end patient survived and after so many days like a month patient happily discharged from hospital.

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