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Tip of taking care of a diabetic patient at home

 Tip of taking care of a diabetic patient at home.

Diabetes is major problem in community as a non communicable disease


Drugs are effective for maintaining blood sugar level in diabetic patients but with medicine you need to take care of your diet at home to maintain sugar level.

👉Some are questions which diabetes patients has like :-

How can I take care of my diabetes at home?

What diet should follow in diabetic patients?

👉So here we will discuss about tips which helps you in diabetes at home.

(1) Strictly Stop Consuming Sweets
(2)Get Rid of Smoking
(3)Take Active Measures to Keep (4)Cholesterol Levels in Control
(5)Take Care of Your Teeth and Feet
(6)Remain Active and Accept the (7)Disease on A Positive Note
(8)Avoid Being an Alcoholic
(9)Follow A Healthy Diet

• This steps should follow to maintain your sugar level at home.

(1) Strictly Stop Consuming Sweets

Eating sweets tend to increase your sugar levels. With diabetes, it is important for your body to keep the sugar levels in check and effectively respond to insulin.

That being said, consumption of too many sweets can burden your pancreas and lead to releasing insulin excessively which in turn would aggravate your existing health condition.

(2) Get Rid of Smoking

If you want to take strict care of a diabetic patient at home, let that be yourself too, say ‘goodbye’ to nicotine and stop smoking for good.

Smoking leads to other health issues such as amputations, kidney problems, and heart diseases.

As per the Center For Disease Control & Prevention, US witnesses more than 30K deaths of diabetic patients due to smoking every year.

(3) Take Active Measures to Keep Cholesterol Levels in Control

If you want to save a diabetic person from heart stroke or an attack, work on keeping the cholesterol levels in check.

Bad cholesterol levels latch onto the walls of the arteries, and this indicates a high risk. Studies suggest, low levels of HDL cholesterol can increase the risk of type 2 diabetes. To avoid complications, a good diet and minimum workout is necessary.

(4) Take Care of Your Teeth and Feet

Diabetes has the potential to affect many parts of your body. That being said, it can have a repercussion on your feet and teeth. 

As mentioned earlier, diabetic care products alone aren’t enough. To take care of a diabetic patient at home, follow these tips

-Go for regular dental check-ups, diabetes can cause gum infections. Brush your teeth and regularly floss it well to protect your teeth.
-Keep an eye on your feet chances are it might swell up and form blisters. Always wash, dry, and moisturize it.

(5) Remain Active and Accept the Disease on A Positive Note

To remain active you can follow this steps

- Daily Walking
- Regular Exercise
- Yoga

(6) Avoid alcohol

It is not advisable to let drink alcohol to diabetes patient.

(7) Follow Healthy diet

High fiber diet,Low fat/cholesterol diet,low sugar diet,green vegetables should eat for healthy diet which helps you to maintain body weight and also sugar level of diabetic patient.

Note :- It is for information purposes. Pls Visit doctor if any symptoms of diabetes appear.

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