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Liver function test and diagnosis by test in USA 2021

Liver function test and diagnosis by test in USA 2021

Some time we go to doctor and they say for some liver test.

Here we will discuss liver function test which is important to know what is wrong with our liver and disease related liver.

When we do liver function test below things we should see in test results.

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(1) Serum Bilirubin

Normal value : 0.3-1.3 mg/dl

There is 2 types of bilirubin.

A. Unconjugated bilirubin

B. Conjugated bilirubin

When we see result of test.

👉 If there is bilirubin level more than 1.3mg/dl and below 6mg/dl. It is Unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia.

Cause : Hemolytic anemia

              Ineffective erythropoiesis

              Gliberts Disease

👉If bilirubin lever higher than 6mg/dl then it is conjugated hyperbilirubinemia.

Cause : Parenchymal liver disease

              Biliary tract obstruction

° Tea or Cola colored urin may indicate the presence of bilirubinuria and this conjugated hyperbilirubinemia.


By knowing level of serum enzyme we can know demage to hepatocytes which is cells of liver.

There is 2 types of enzymes.

A. Aspartate aminotransferase (AST/SGOT)

It is increase in hepatic necrosis, myocardial infraction, muscle injury, congestive cardiac failure.

B. Alanine aminotransferase (ALT/SGOT)

It is increase in liver injury.

👉AST:ALT ration is more than 1 then it is because of chronic viral hepatitis and non-alcoholic fatty liver disease (NAFLD)

If AST:ALT ratio is more than 2/3 it is suggestive of alcoholic liver disease.

Liver function test and diagnosis by test in USA 2021

(3) Alkaline phosphatase (ALP)

Normal serum level of ALP is 80-240 IU/L.

👉Low level of ALP :

Wilson disease,with fulminant hepatitis and hemolysis

👉Raise level of ALP :

<2.5 times - Hepatocellular carcinoma

>4 times - Obstructive jaundice

                    Infiltrative liver diseases e.g. cancer, metastases and amyloidosis

                   Bone lesions with rapid bone turnover e.g. Paget's disease

                   Primary biliary cirrhosis

(4) Gamma glutamyl transpeptidase (GGT)

Screening test for alcoholism - if ALP is normal , raised serum Gamma glutamyl transpeptidase is a good guide to alcohol ingake of more than 60g/day.

👉 Raised GGT levels ;

Biliary obstruction


Liver parenchymal damage

Non-alcoholic fatty liver

Other cause : chronic obstructive lung disease, diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, obesity and renal failure 

(5) 5-nucleotidass

Increase in hepatobiliary disease

(6) Lactate dehydrogenase (LDH) :

Not useful for liver disease diagnosis

Moderately raised in ischemic hepatitis and hepatic metastasis.

(7) Plasma Proteins

👉Serum albumin

Normal level - 4-5.5 g/100ml

Low level : chronic liver disease like cirrhosis and chronic hepatitis,sever liver demage, decrease albumin synthesis.

👉Serum globulin

Normal level - 1.5-3.5/100ml

Increased in chronic liver disease

Increased in IgG - Chronic hepatitis, autoimmune hepatitis

Increased in IgA - Alcoholic liver disease

Increased in IgM - primary biliary cholangitis

Liver function test and diagnosis by test in USA 2021

(8) Coagulation factors :

Liver produces all coagulation factor except VIII

It is important for diagnosis and assesing the prognosis of acute parenchymal liver disease.

Prothrombin time is important for measure coagulation factor.

👉Cause of prolonged prothrombin time :

Sever liver demage - acute hepatitis, cirrhosis

Deficiency of vitamin k

Disseminated intravascular coagulation

Drugs and toxin like warfarin,apixaban, anticoagulant rodenticide etc.

(9) Ceruloplasmin :

Normal plasma level - 20-60 mg/dl

👉Cause of elevated levels : infection,liver disease, obstructive jaundice, rheumatic arthritis,pregnancy

👉Cause of decreased level :

Wilson disease, neonates,kwashiokor, marasmus, copper deficiency, protein losing enteropathy.

(10) Cholesterol

Synthesis in liver 

Low cholesterol is seen in advanced liver disease.

Raised cholesterol seen in primary biliary cholangitis (PBC)

(11) Urin Tests

👉Bilirubin in urine :

Normal not detected in urin

In unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia,urine does not contain bilirubin this absence of bilirubin in urin in jaundice patient suggest unconjugated hyperbilirubinemia.

In conjugated hyperbilirubinemia,urine contain bilirubin. Thus bilirubinuria in a jaundice patient points to conjugated hyperbilirubinemia.

Fouchet's test done to detect urinary bilirubin.

👉Urine urobilinogen :

Normal seen in urine in trace amounts (1-2 mg/dl).

Increased in hemolytic anemia and liver disease like preicteric phase of infective hepatitis,drugs or toxic hepatitis, cirrhosis.

Ehrlich's aldehyde test done for detection.

👉 Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP)

Produced by fetal liver cells and falls level to low level after birth.

Cause of elevated level :

-Hepatocellular carcinoma. (HCC)

-Carcinoma of stomach, pancreas,  gallbladder,bile ducts and lungs


NOTE : All test result is for knowledge. pls consult doctor after test.

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