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The changes that come with old age

old age

Getting older is something we all face, and whilst it is inevitable, it can help to be prepared for the changes your life will go through – after all, knowledge is power.

Firstly, it’s not an unlikely event for some that they will become dependent on care providers. This is something that affects a lot of people, and it’s really not as horrible as some make out. Living in a care home can be highly rewarding; you make new friends, someone makes all your meals for you, you get to go out on trips, and all of your laundry and cleaning is taken care of.

Secondly, you may actually start to feel happier as you get older. Research has found that as people get older, “by almost any measure” they become much happier, more confident and more content with life. Things that used to bother them don’t anymore, and they feel more outgoing – taking the attitude of “if I don’t do it now, I never will.”

Thirdly, you won’t automatically get arthritis or joint pain – no matter how many people claim you will. In truth, this does affect some people, but it certainly isn’t an inevitability. Losing weight whilst young, wearing comfortable shoes and exercising regularly are all ways in which to help prevent these symptoms – so think ahead and get ready for old age now.

Lastly, your personality actually can improve as you get old. Studies have shown that the positive aspects of your personality get stronger after the age of 30 - like a fine wine. In particular, traits such as being helpful, generous and warm with others increase as people get older.

So what are you afraid of? Getting older should be something we celebrate, not fear. Prepare now by keeping healthy, and you should encounter little to no problems as you grow old gracefully.

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