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Stress and the Body’s Response

Stress and the Body’s Response

Depression, addiction to habits, lack of sleep, heart attacks, cancer, pneumonia, strokes, psychosomatic disorders and much more such diseases can wrap you if you don’t manage your stress properly.

A stress is a pressure on oneself through emotional and physical exhaustion, which has a direct impact on the brain, which initiates 1400 varied responses and releases chemicals into our blood stream. This stress when left ignored can form into General Adaptation Syndrome (GAS) where the body fails to immune itself against diseases. Thus unmanaged stress hits the body to a level that shuts the door as no way back.

Brain or head of body is the prime simulator for various emotions and actions. Your brain is built to deal with stress that lasts about 30 seconds but if the same gets prolonged and uncontrollable, the brain will struggle hard to save you but eventually give up in other form of diseases in body.

Usually when the brain realizes a pressure or danger, it rushes nerve signals to your adrenal glands ordering them to release adrenaline hormone, which eventually increases the blood sugar, heartbeat, blood pressure and related functions. The pituitary glands and adrenal cortex receive similar instructions to release stress hormone called cortisol.

Cortisol is an essential chemical for our well being, but long-term stress, raises the level of cortisol, which damage the immune system and kill a number of brain cells affecting memory and learning. It passes on drastic effects on one’s blood pressure and cholesterol level as well. Sudden heart attacks and stroke are few example results of this action.

Body reaction to acute stress:

Stress and the Body’s Response

A chronic stress makes the brain to instruct its key signal points to fight or flight. The body reacts to these in strange and ill manner. When over stressed the following can be noted in your body:

1. Abnormal heart rate:

a. Heart palpitation or skipped heartbeats
b. Pain of tightness in chest
c. Inability to breath

2. Level of blood pressure increases:

a. Hypertension
b. Causes the body to retain fluid placing high stress to the heart

3. Asthma
4. Abdominal fat
5. Release of fatty acids into the bloodstream to generate energy, increases cholesterol and tiglyceride level
6. Depression
7. Feeling fatigue always

Stress happens to every human being, the very first stress being our own birth into this world. Not all stresses are harmful in fact these help in the physical, emotional and spiritual growth. Then when does it become a terror? It is when we stretch and exhaust our self mentally and physically so much that we tend to forget the term ‘relax’ and lose control over situation. Working late, taking unmanageable responsibilities and commitments, lack of rest and time to spend with the loved ones and play favorites games or hobbies are some of the key factors which make the stress level cross danger zone.

These factors can be well controlled with lifestyle alteration and prioritizing. Say no to overload work at office, spend quality time with your loved ones, play that old favorite sports, go out in a vacation, take a fresh breath in the morning breeze, practice yoga and meditation, learn music or anything you would like to explore, bring the child like smile back to your face and try forgetting the past. Also positive affirmations to oneself that you are having a good day and you are able to manage any situation without worry is also a success mantra you can follow to avoid stress.

If you take the issue in your hand, the brain or other organs in your body will happily support you and make you a better, healthier and a peaceful person.

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